The family of Wattle-eyes and Batises (Platysteiridae) consists of small insectivorous passerines of forests and woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa. Three genera contain 19 Batis species, 11 wattle-eyes, and the White-tailed Shrike. The birds in this family are generally boldly patterned black and white while the wattle-eyes have colourful, fleshy eye-rings.
Oldest batis
Most of the southern African species have known longevities of a few years. The Cape Batis, however, has a much higher record of over 13 years. This individual was recaptured 10 months after ringing, and again 13 years after ringing, both times near the ringing site (Buzzard mountain retreat, Louis Trichard). The male had been ringed and recaptured by Kobie Raijmakers. This longevity record suggests that other species in this family may also reach 10 years or more.
Table of longevity records for Batises, Wattle-eyes and the White-tailed Shrike in southern Africa (see more longevities)
Spno | Species | Longevity | Ring no. |
672 | Cape Batis Batis capensis | 13y 1m 9d | ring X69014 |
673 | Chinspot Batis Batis molitor | 4y 11m 30d | ring GA77529 |
674 | Pririt Batis Batis pririt | 5y 10m 18d | ring X62178 |
675 | Pale Batis Batis soror | 1y 6m 12d | ring W19002 |
676 | Woodward’s Batis Batis fratrum | 2y 3m 10d | ring L03727 |
677 | Black-throated Wattle-eye Platysteira peltata | 6y 6m 13d | ring AA34593 |
726 | White-tailed Shrike Lanioturdus torquatus | 4y 10m 10d | ring BH49364 |
Added note, 9/08/2021: Dark Batis Batis crypta, ring: Nairobi X98425,
ringed on 22 September 1994 and recaptured on 27 November 2009 in the Upper Kihansi Gorge, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania,
recaptured after 15y 2m 6d – Scopus 2021, 41(2):32
If you want to ring batises or other birds, book a trip with Dieter at Birds4Africa ! |