Ringing projects

Many things can be learned about birds through regular ringing (see Value of bird ringing).

Sometimes, specific questions need to be answered using ringing, and some of these are listed below.

Bronze Mannikin movements and moult in Cape Town, 2023-

Bronze Mannikins established a freely breeding population in the southern suburbs of Cape Town, from 2015. The first time any were ringed in Cape Town was on 31/05/2023. Several have been caught in different gardens, and the ringing effort will gradually increase. Various aspects of their biology will be studied via ringing – read more here.

Bronze Mannikin
Bronze Mannikin

Yellow Bishop body moult, 2018-2023

Like many weavers, male Yellow Bishops moult their body feathers twice a year – into, and out of, breeding plumage. The yellow patches are more costly to moult (carotenoid pigments), so are these patches moulted once or twice? If once, when are they moulted?

Answer coming at the end of 2023!

Yellow Bishop adult male