The Yellow-bellied Eremomela is a small, inconspicuous bird found widely in Africa, in open savanna and dry woodland habitats, including the Karoo where there are trees. It is light brownish with a distinct, though pale, yellow belly and dark eye-line. It feeds mainly in trees, but sometimes on the ground, on invertebrates. This species is usually seen singly, in pairs, or in family groups.
Ringing on the slopes of Gifberg is always memorable – usually due to low numbers of birds caught! But most times there are some special catches, and always spectacular scenery, and the special atmosphere of a remote Karoo sunrise.
On my eighth visit to Gifberg, in June 2024, we had a overcast and cold day, even with some rain. We caught a handful of great birds including Capped Wheatear, Large-billed Lark, Rufous-eared Warbler and Sickle-winged Chat. Then Karis arrived with a great smile and a small bird bag. It was easy to identify the Yellow-bellied Eremomela, which turned out to be the last bird caught there that morning, and a great way to end the ringing session.
Fact sheet:
Number ringed to date (SAFRING): 418 [1948-2024]
Longevity: 4y 3m 29d
Trip report: Gifberg summary
Reason special: not too many caught; ringing lifer