SAFRING Wakkerstroom National Ringing Training Course
1-8 December 2001
This event was held for the second time at BirdLife South Africa’s Wetland Centre at Wakkerstroom, Mpumulanga and was as successful as the previous one held here (December 2000) and the first one held at Witsand Nature Reserve in the Northern Cape (March 2000).
BirdLife South Africa’s Wetland Centre |
Attendees at a lecture |
The course was attended by 35 participants, including ringers and trainees, coming from as far as Zimbabwe and Germany, as well as different parts of South Africa.
Every morning attendees left at around 4 am to put up mistnets in the vlei, forest or other sites.
Extracting birds from mistnets at the Wakkerstroom vlei |
Ringing table with interested bystanders! |
Cliff Swallow colonies around Wakkerstroom were enthusiastically tackled again, with many being retrapped from the ringing sessions exactly one year ago.
Dries with his team mistnetting Cliff Swallows |
Ringed Cliff Swallow |
A large number of weavers, bishops and widows were ringed. The males in breeding plumage are easily identified, while the females provide more of a challenge.
Adult male Masked Weaver |
Female Redshouldered Widow (left) and female Red Bishop (right) |
With mistnetting there is always the possibility of exciting or unusual captures, like the African Marsh Harrier that got away, and the Hottentot Teal that didn’t!
Hottentot Teal |
Dries Nel again led an outing to ring Bald Ibis chicks with metal and colour rings. Birders and ringers in Natal and Mpumulanga are requested to look out for these colour ringed birds and to report any sightings to SAFRING.
Ringed adult Bald Ibis |
Colour ringed Bald Ibis chick, after being returned to its nest |
Pied Starlings around the BirdLife homestead at Wakkerstroom have also been colour ringed by Steven Piper.
Colour ringed adult Pied Starling |
If you are interested in attending a ringing workshop, watch our web page for details.
List of birds ringed, 1-8 December 2001, with a comparison of the 2002 Wakkerstroom workshop
Below are the totals for the two ringing workshops at Wakkerstroom. Ringing occurred at the wetland, forest and scrub areas on nearby farms, Cliff Swallows breeding on bridges within 10 km or so, and a Bald Ibis colony 40 km north of Wakkerstroom. The effort and specific sites varied in the 2 years. The number of ringers and trainees was 35 in 2001 instead of the nearly 60 of 2000, thus resulting in a lower total number of birds ringed. The top five birds ringed in both years were the same, i.e. Red Bishop, Cliff Swallow, Masked Weaver, African Marsh Warbler and Cape White-eye respectively. The numbers of these 5 species were higher in 2000, except for the African Marsh Warbler because of Kobie Raijmaker’s superb efforts at targeting warblers more effectively in 2001.
Number | Name | Latin name | 2001 | 2000 |
82 | Bald Ibis | Geronticus calvus | 5 | 5 |
84 | Hadeda Ibis | Bostrychia hagedash | 1 | |
96 | Yellowbilled Duck | Anas undulata | 1 | |
99 | Hottentot Teal | Anas hottentota | 1 | |
130 | Blackshouldered Kite | Elanus caeruleus | 1 | |
152 | Jackal Buzzard | Buteo rufofuscus | 1 | |
154 | Steppe Buzzard | Buteo buteo | 2 | |
189 | Common Quail | Coturnix coturnix | 4 | |
247 | Wattled Plover | Vanellus senegallus | 1 | |
316 | Cape Turtle Dove | Streptopelia capicola | 1 | 2 |
317 | Laughing Dove | Streptopelia senegalensis | 4 | 3 |
322 | Cinnamon Dove | Aplopelia larvata | 2 | 3 |
343 | Redchested Cuckoo | Cuculus solitarius | 1 | |
344 | Black Cuckoo | Cuculus clamosus | 2 | |
351 | Klaas’s Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx klaas | 1 | |
352 | Diederik Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx caprius | 2 | |
367 | Cape Eagle Owl | Bubo capensis | 2 | |
368 | Spotted Eagle Owl | Bubo africanus | 4 | |
383 | Whiterumped Swift | Apus caffer | 10 | 17 |
385 | Little Swift | Apus affinis | 1 | 2 |
390 | Speckled Mousebird | Colius striatus | 11 | 6 |
395 | Giant Kingfisher | Ceryle maxima | 2 | |
397 | Malachite Kingfisher | Alcedo cristata | 5 | 4 |
431 | Blackcollared Barbet | Lybius torquatus | 4 | 10 |
440 | Greater Honeyguide | Indicator indicator | 1 | |
442 | Lesser Honeyguide | Indicator minor | 1 | |
443 | Sharpbilled Honeyguide | Prodotiscus regulus | 1 | 3 |
445 | Ground Woodpecker | Geocolaptes olivaceus | 1 | |
450 | Cardinal Woodpecker | Dendropicos fuscescens | 2 | |
452 | Olive Woodpecker | Mesopicos griseocephalus | 3 | 2 |
453 | Redthroated Wryneck | Jynx ruficollis | 1 | |
474 | Spikeheeled Lark | Chersomanes albofasciata | 1 | |
493 | European Swallow | Hirundo rustica | 18 | 1 |
495 | Whitethroated Swallow | Hirundo albigularis | 18 | 10 |
502 | Greater Striped Swallow | Hirundo cucullata | 4 | 5 |
504 | South African Cliff Swallow | Hirundo spilodera | 196 | 305 |
506 | Rock Martin | Hirundo fuligula | 2 | |
508 | Sand Martin | Riparia riparia | 2 | |
510 | Banded Martin | Riparia cincta | 2 | 4 |
517 | Forktailed Drongo | Dicrurus adsimilis | 2 | |
521 | Blackheaded Oriole | Oriolus larvatus | 1 | 1 |
527 | Southern Black Tit | Parus niger | 2 | |
542 | Bush Blackcap | Lioptilus nigricapillus | 11 | 20 |
545 | Blackeyed Bulbul | Pycnonotus barbatus | 14 | 27 |
551 | Sombre Bulbul | Andropadus importunus | 2 | |
552 | Kurrichane Thrush | Turdus libonyana | 1 | |
553 | Olive Thrush | Turdus olivaceus | 9 | 17 |
569 | Buffstreaked Chat | Oenanthe bifasciata | 1 | |
573 | Mocking Chat | Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris | 1 | |
575 | Anteating Chat | Myrmecocichla formicivora | 5 | 1 |
576 | Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | 3 | |
578 | Chorister Robin | Cossypha dichroa | 11 | 5 |
581 | Cape Robin | Cossypha caffra | 33 | 55 |
589 | Starred Robin | Pogonocichla stellata | 5 | 26 |
595 | Garden Warbler | Sylvia borin | 2 | 1 |
599 | Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | 5 | 10 |
604 | Cape Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus gracilirostris | 18 | 13 |
606 | African Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus baeticatus | 132 | 84 |
607 | European Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | 3 | |
608 | European Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 4 | 2 |
609 | African Sedge Warbler | Bradypterus baboecala | 39 | 24 |
610 | Barratt’s Warbler | Bradypterus barratti | 7 | |
618 | Grassbird | Sphenoeacus afer | 4 | 1 |
622 | Barthroated Apalis | Apalis thoracica | 9 | 14 |
627 | Bleating Warbler | Camaroptera brachyura | 1 | |
629 | Fantailed Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis | 1 | 26 |
634 | Ayres’ Cisticola | Cisticola ayresii | 1 | 3 |
635 | Palecrowned Cisticola | Cisticola brunnescens | 2 | 9 |
637 | Neddicky | Cisticola fulvicapilla | 1 | 1 |
642 | Rattling Cisticola | Cisticola chiniana | 1 | |
646 | Levaillant’s Cisticola | Cisticola tinniens | 28 | 13 |
648 | Lazy Cisticola | Cisticola aberrans | 2 | 3 |
1049 | Drakensberg Prinia | Prinia hypoxantha | 3 | 8 |
655 | Dusky Flycatcher | Muscicapa adusta | 1 | |
665 | Fiscal Flycatcher | Sigelus silens | 1 | 2 |
666 | Yellow Warbler | Chloropeta natalensis | 5 | 3 |
671 | Yellowthroated Warbler | Phylloscopus ruficapillus | 2 | 7 |
672 | Cape Batis | Batis capensis | 9 | 10 |
682 | Paradise Flycatcher | Terpsiphone viridis | 7 | 9 |
686 | Cape Wagtail | Motacilla capensis | 2 | |
688 | Longtailed Wagtail | Motacilla clara | 2 | |
692 | Grassveld Pipit | Anthus cinnamomeus | 1 | 2 |
701 | Yellowbreasted Pipit | Hemimacronyx chloris | 3 | |
703 | Orangethroated Longclaw | Macronyx capensis | 2 | 2 |
707 | Fiscal Shrike | Lanius collaris | 5 | 12 |
708 | Redbacked Shrike | Lanius collurio | 1 | |
709 | Southern Boubou | Laniarius ferrugineus | 1 | 3 |
712 | Puffback | Dryoscopus cubla | 1 | |
717 | Olive Bush Shrike | Telophorus olivaceus | 3 | 1 |
722 | Bokmakierie | Telophorus zeylonus | 1 | 2 |
734 | Indian Myna | Acridotheres tristis | 1 | |
735 | Wattled Starling | Creatophora cinerea | 1 | |
736 | Plumcoloured Starling | Cinnyricinclus leucogaster | 3 | |
745 | Redwinged Starling | Onychognathus morio | 1 | |
746 | Pied Starling | Spreo bicolor | 6 | 16 |
751 | Malachite Sunbird | Nectarinia famosa | 8 | 2 |
758 | Greater Doublecollared Sunbird | Nectarinia afra | 2 | 8 |
760 | Lesser Doublecollared Sunbird | Nectarinia chalybea | 6 | 9 |
772 | Black Sunbird | Nectarinia amethystina | 4 | |
775 | Cape White-eye | Zosterops pallidus | 54 | 68 |
787 | Southern Greyheaded Sparrow | Passer diffusus | 4 | 1 |
788 | Yellowthroated Sparrow | Petronia superciliaris | 1 | 1 |
799 | Cape Weaver | Ploceus capensis | 48 | 43 |
803 | Masked Weaver | Ploceus velatus | 149 | 110 |
805 | Redbilled Quelea | Quelea quelea | 12 | |
808 | Red Bishop | Euplectes orix | 422 | 550 |
812 | Golden Bishop | Euplectes afer | 5 | 19 |
813 | Redcollared Widow | Euplectes ardens | 6 | 11 |
816 | Redshouldered Widow | Euplectes axillaris | 49 | 18 |
818 | Longtailed Widow | Euplectes progne | 46 | 28 |
833 | Bluebilled Firefinch | Lagonosticta rubricata | 1 | 2 |
843 | Common Waxbill | Estrilda astrild | 12 | 23 |
846 | Pintailed Whydah | Vidua macroura | 3 | 4 |
854 | Cuckoo Finch | Anomalospiza imberbis | 1 | |
857 | Cape Canary | Serinus canicollis | 6 | 8 |
858 | Forest Canary | Serinus scotops | 2 | 7 |
859 | Yelloweyed Canary | Serinus mozambicus | 2 | |
874 | Goldenbreasted Bunting | Emberiza flaviventris | 3 | |
Total ringed | 1523 | 1795 |